Household Insurance might well be considered the most basic of personal insurance types, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get it wrong. In fact, there are lots of things to consider. That’s why you’ll likely require a bespoke policy to fully satisfy your requirements.
At JTS, we know that every home is different in some ways. Ideally, a home insurance policy should consider the build type, the materials used to build it, the garden and the occupying land around it, any outhouses and permanent structures. Internally, it should consider original features, the overall structure, personal belongings and contents, however exotic or plentiful.
In our experience, a generic home insurance quote wouldn’t consider all these options, so how can you get any peace of mind knowing that your policy is built on guesswork or estimates?
That’s why we take the time to consider every angle of your home. We fully understand any qualms you may have about privacy, so we’ll perform any reviews privately and confidentially, and we’ll do all the legwork to make your choice easier.
Your policy could include cover for;
- Homes and outbuildings
- All types of houses, flats, bungalows and more
- Damage caused by fire, floods and storms
- Rebuild costs
- Damage or theft of contents
- Accidental damage
Should you need to make a claim, we will be here for you to guide you through the whole process with minimal fuss, relieving you of any admin and helping you to get back on your feet.
To find out more, call us today on 0161 728 8050.